fisher island public adjuster invites qualified public adjusting firms to work with our firm for completing “Adjustments” on behalf of our clients. This affiliate program will be helpful to increase the level of our services to our clients.

It is essential for the public adjusters to be pre qualified to be part of a “fisher island public adjusters affiliate”. This will ensure the same level of professional commitment to the clients. It is mandatory to posses the essential tools, expertise and experience to conduct possible claim adjustments on behalf of our firm and our valued clients.

A public adjuster approved under “fisher island public adjusters affiliate” program has to work along with our Team to provide public adjustment services to our valued customers.

fisher island Public Adjusters Affiliate Application:

*Complete terms and conditions included below this form.

Company Name (required)

Other Trade Name (required)


Phone (required)


Your Name (required)

Email (required)

Additional Office Location

Do belong to a Professional Public Adjusting Association?

If Yes, How Many Years?

Number of years firm transection?

Number of Licensed to Public Adjusters?

Principle of firm? (required)

Number of years licensed? (required)

Number of Insurance Experience? (required)

Public Adjuster Bond? (required)

Policy Number? (required)

Dollar Limit of Coverage? (required)

Additional Message
